EACC dossier reveals how honorable MPs divert billions of shillings to their pockets.
EACC dossier reveals how honorable MPs divert billions of shillings to their pockets. Read More »
Happy Anniversary Africa! In 2013 the continent will be celebrating a Golden Jubilee, commemorating May 25, 1963. That day, 50 years ago, the Organization of Africa Unity (OAU) was born, to later reincarnate as the African Union (AU) and affording the continent sufficient clout to accelerate integration and development. When the leaders of the AU
Looking Ahead– Africa 2013. AU celebrates 50 years and IMF projects economic confidence. Read More »
China visits marks Egyptian leader’s more balanced foreign policy approach and new economic alliances. Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi was accompanied by more than 80 Egyptian business people on a trip to Beijing in late August – a clear sign that the new Egyptian leader was intent on enhancing economic relations. Walking on the red carpet
Morsi Means Business Read More »
A year highlighted by a new nation, regime change, famine and hopes for climate change solutions. The big story out of Africa in 2011 was the referendum in southern Sudan. That culminated in the birth of a new country, the Republic of South Sudan, which joins the struggling band of developing nations. Africa’s newest independent
Hand grenades are being smuggled in from Somalia and sold to criminals and extremists for as a little as Sh4,000. The bombs are exported by the Al Shabaab terror group, partly for profit but also to forment what it calls a Holy war in the region. The Daily Nation, using contacts in Al Shabaab, was able
Smuggled grenades Kenya’s new security threat Read More »
Kenya’s march toward a middle-income economy within the next two decades got a much-needed boost with the promulgation of the country’s new Constitution on August 27, 2010. The brand-new legal regime should firmly close the door on 47 years of bad governance and pave the way for long-term growth in East Africa’s largest economy. Since
Gaining Momentum: Kenya’s new Constitution is giving investors much cause for optimism Read More »