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Gaining Momentum: Kenya’s new Constitution is giving investors much cause for optimism

Kenya’s march toward a middle-income economy within the next two decades got a much-needed boost with the promulgation of the country’s new Constitution on August 27, 2010. The brand-new legal regime should firmly close the door on 47 years of bad governance and pave the way for long-term growth in East Africa’s largest economy. Since

Gaining Momentum: Kenya’s new Constitution is giving investors much cause for optimism Read More »

Regional Renaissance

The East African Community Common Market is set to provide more jobs, increase trade in goods and services and boost investment in the region. As the clock ticked toward midnight on June 30, 2010, the mood in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, and in the rest of East African Community (EAC), was expectant. The region’s vibrant media had

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